
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Job Interview

I've been reluctant to tell people when I have interviews.  When you get excited and tell 20 people about an interview, you have to tell 20 people you didn't get the job.  But in the spirit of blogging and being opened, I have a job interview tomorrow!!!! Now don't get too excited... first let me give you a recap of my past interviews.

I applied to a distribution company and after 2 phone interviews, had an in-person interview.  I dusted off my blazer, shined my black pumps, and arrived 35 minutes early because "early is on time, on time is late, and if you're late, don't bother".   I go in and call the extension of the person whom I was meeting.  So far, pretty normal stuff.  In a few minutes, he arrives and escorts me to a conference room.  We sit on opposite sides and that's when "it happened".  Things started taking an odd turn.
He sets a red party cup on the table and I'm thinking, is this a weird interview trick? (read the next line with a country accent) "You don't mind if I chew, do ya? I'm just a good ol' country boy here in the city."
City? there are like 20,000 people in this county.  He proceeds to tell me the entire history of the company.  Should I be taking notes? Asking questions? Telling him I already know this because I read 3 million articles on the company in preparation for this interview?  Is he going to ask me any questions?  Or look at my resume?  What am I interviewing for again?
Suddenly, our time is done and he is bringing in another gentleman who is going to interview me.  This guy wastes no time.  No sooner has my butt touched the chair when he asks why I'm good for this job.  I answer. He asks what makes me better than everyone else for the job.  I answer again.  We kind of go back and forth for about 30 minutes. Now this guy was older, experienced and kept a smirk on his face the entire time I answered his questions.  He gave me that look that because I was a young girl, there was no way I knew how to use computers and create excel reports and converse with prominent business professionals.  I left that interview feeling slightly annoyed.  But I knew I was qualified and that I had answered all his questions.  A few WEEKS, yes weeks, later, I received an email entitled "No Thanks".  I thought for sure it was spam, but I opened it anyway.  There was nothing but an attachment saying thanks but no thanks, you didn't get the job.

The next interview was for a non-profit  and I was really excited for this one.  Trying to learn from my last interview, I decided that I needed to appear more experienced.  So I purchased new pants and a few nice tops.  Obviously, it's a great idea to spend money on interview clothes for a job you need because you have no money...  The first interview was face to face and went really great.  The lady was very nice and said she loved my experience and she went ahead and set up another interview.  I go to the second interview feeling confident and excited.  This job was made for me!  She brings me back to the interview room and introduces me to another lady.  As requested, I hand over my list of references.  The first question out of her mouth is  "Are you relocatable to Austin?".  My mind goes into panic mode.  Austin? Where did this come from?  Last interview, we talked all about I had JUST moved to Waco with my boyfriend and blah blah blah.  I say no and she and the other lady go back and forth asking me questions from a list.  It took 20 minutes. Guess what I got the next day?  An email.  It happened again.  Another no.

So then there's tomorrow.  How can I prepare for that?  I thought long and hard about what I have learned from the rejections and decided I need to come across experienced, smart, and capable.  Bingo... fake glasses.  
Thanks to eBay, I purchased eye glasses with clear lenses that make me look oh so smart.  Watch out world (aka Waco), I'm about to lower the unemployment percentage!  If the glasses work, I'm going to write to President Obama and suggest giving everyone who is unemployed glasses.  Thus, the economy will be stimulated by the government buying all those glasses and the unemployment rate will decrease.  Perhaps I should be an economic advisor... that is, if my interview doesn't go well tomorrow.

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