Now I've had a few black eyes (thank you rugby) in my day, and those were cool. I walked around like I had a medal of honor won in a hard fought battle. But these black eyes are nothing to flaunt. I'm only 25! I can't have dark under eye circles already. Thus began my quest of hiding or concealing these circles. I tried my normal concealer that I use on blemishes. I tried cool rags on my eyes in the mornings. Nothing worked.
One day while at Walgreens, I was looking at the make up wall because that store has a magnetic force that pulls all women to that wall. All of a sudden, a light shone on a product and caught my attention. When I walked forward to see the product, I realized this was the answer to my prayers. Garnier Anti Dark-Circle Roller with a tinted color. Not only does this product soothe the under eye, it conceals the darkness. For me, this product works great! It's around $12, but it lasts a long time.
So if you have black eyes and you didn't recently play a rugby game, I'd suggest picking up this handy little tool!
I have the face equivalent of this stuff, and I love it!