You know when you're cleaning your house or driving somewhere or working out and you play that game with yourself "if I didn't do (insert job here), I'd be _______"? Well, I know what I would do. If I wasn't a teacher, I'd be a singer/song writer.

Whenever I am doing chores around the house, I love to put on some great music and belt it out as loud as I can. Of course, the husband absolutely
cannot be present for such an event. He might not understand my using a remote control as a microphone while I dance around on my stage and get the crowd going. And yes, I do have a crowd; thank you Vedder and Gabby for being my most loyal fans. Sometimes, my audience even sings along! I haven't decided yet if that is a good or bad thing...
But I love music. I always have. I like all kinds of music. For example, here are some upcoming concerts the husband and I will be attending: Pat Green and Randy Rogers Band (Texas Country) then Godsmack (rock) and Staind (alternative). I'm not a particularly talented singer, much to my dismay. However, that doesn't stop me from living my dream every time I have to clean my house!
Today I am currently jamming to some Eric Church. He has a song called
"Carolina" and it's amazing!
If you didn't do your current job, what would you do???
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