
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Texas State Fair

Who said unemployment couldn't be fun???  On Tuesday, my boyfriend and I went to the Texas State Fair in Dallas.  It is true... everything really is bigger in Texas.
The biggest Fairest Wheel I've ever seen.
If you live anywhere near Dallas, I highly recommend a visit to the state fair, especially on a weekday.  I like to refer to the state fair as Fried Food Paradise.  Here is a list of what we tried:

Fried peanut butter and jelly (my boyfriend's favorite)
Fried Oreos (as amazing as it sounds)
Fried Cookie Dough (one bite goes a long way)
Fried Beer (pictured below... not the best tasting, but if you ever get the chance, it's a must try)
Fried Beer with Cheese

Fried Grilled Cheese (a delicious oxymoron)
Fried alligator (did not taste like chicken)
Corn Dogs (my first time eating one!)
Caramel Apples (always a fair favorite)
Fried Frito Pie (my favorite & a texas specialty)
Fried Bacon (like it needs to be even more unhealthy)

Does your stomach hurt yet???  In our defense, we were there for over 8 hours and we shared everything.  Plus, we were out of our zip code, which means the vacation rule applies (calories don't count on vacation).

Besides eating, there were tons and tons of arts and crafts, and interesting vendors everywhere.  We even did a little early Christmas shopping for our moms!  All in all it was a wonderful day with my man and fried food.  Honestly, what else could a girl want?

Fruit basket that doubles as a hot pad
Cotton Candy and my new ring.

Howdy Y'all!

Hey all!  My name is Allison and this is my very first attempt at blogging.  I decided to start blogging more for me, with the hopes someone, someday might read it and find it amusing.  I will give you a short short version of why I started a blog... I'm bored and need a hobby.  I recently moved to a new place (Waco) and I am currently a stay at home housewife who lives with my boyfriend and my dog.  A lot of funny, weird, hard, and fun things have happened to me over the past 3 years and let's face it, the only thing any of us can count on is that something will happen to us.  I want to share my stories with y'all and hopefully someone can relate or learn from what has happened to me.  If nothing else, maybe they will make you laugh.  So welcome to my blog "It happens" because really, that's about the only guarantee in life... something is definitely going to happen to everyone, might as well laugh about it!
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