
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Let Me Check My Calendar...

Before I became a teacher, I never knew the sheer amount of time it took to be a teacher.  Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of other things that go into being a teacher.  But the time alone is what shocks me.  Now I'm not here to get on a soapbox and start talking about the inequities of being a teacher.
What I'm talking about is time management and organizational skills.  I was born with these talents, but having gone to a meticulously anal high school, I perfected my organizational and time management abilities.  I am a HUGE believer in a good old-fashioned planner.  Not on my phone calendar, but an actual assignment book.  We all used these handy dandy tools in school when all we needed to remember was what chapter to read that night.  Somehow, after catapulting into the real world with bills, budgets, responsibilities, projects, errands, and chores, we cease to use a planner.
I live by my planner.  If someone asks me a date or if I can do something, I literally have to check my calendar.  People laugh when I say this.  Believe me, it's not because I'm so popular that I have a million events to attend.  It's because I'm so scattered that I don't know what I'm doing in my life without it written out in front of my face.
And I have a compulsive need to write down every event in my planner.  Here's an embarrassing admission: I've even gone back in time and written down events that have already happened and I forgot to write down.  I know what you must be thinking... but my allotted blog time is up according to my planner!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

In Another Life

You know when you're cleaning your house or driving somewhere or working out and you play that game with yourself "if I didn't do (insert job here), I'd be _______"?  Well, I know what I would do.  If I wasn't a teacher, I'd be a singer/song writer.
Whenever I am doing chores around the house, I love to put on some great music and belt it out as loud as I can.  Of course, the husband absolutely cannot be present for such an event.  He might not understand my using a remote control as a microphone while I dance around on my stage and get the crowd going. And yes, I do have a crowd; thank you Vedder and Gabby for being my most loyal fans. Sometimes, my audience even sings along!  I haven't decided yet if that is a good or bad thing...
But I love music.  I always have.  I like all kinds of music.  For example, here are some upcoming concerts the husband and I will be attending: Pat Green and Randy Rogers Band (Texas Country) then Godsmack (rock) and Staind (alternative).  I'm not a particularly talented singer, much to my dismay.  However, that doesn't stop me from living my dream every time I have to clean my house!
Today I am currently jamming to some Eric Church.  He has a song called "Carolina" and it's amazing!
If you didn't do your current job, what would you do???

Monday, January 30, 2012

Parking Lot Perils

In college, my friends and I lived in the ghetto.  When I say ghetto, I mean chalk outlines on the sidewalk as I walked home, pad-lock bars on our windows, and never ending sirens screaming out warning after warning.  And I was never scared.  In fact, when my friends would be too scared to walk home from night class or a bar by themselves, they would call me to walk them home.
My own personal nightmare
Fast forward to tonight... I got out of work kind of late and wanted to go to the gym.  There were only parking spots far away from the door.  As I parked my car, I prepared the old "grab everything I need quickly and in the same motion, open the door then run away while trying not to look like I'm scared and running away" maneuver.  You've all done it so don't judge me.
Home sweet home.
The difference between myself and most sane people is that they've done that maneuver in the dead of night in a back alley, where as I did it at 6:45 in a lighted parking lot of a Gold's Gym located on a main road.  This is just another reason why I am not cut out to live in a small town!  Or it could be another reason why I am slightly off my rocker...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Been gone for a minute...

So I've been gone for a while... but I've missed blogging!  I'm not sure if anyone missed reading my blog, but I really have missed writing.  It's therapeutic for me.  I am recommitting to blogging.
There's actually a lot of things I want to re-commit to that I have let slip away over the past months.  Before I tried to do a list every Monday and called it "Make-A-List Mondays".  So here is my first new list, just a day early.
Re-commitment List
1.  Blogging
2.  Working out
3.  Working ahead
4.  Cooking dinner
5.  Keeping up with friends

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