Things of Old
- Books. I love reading. Not just for the stories, but for all the things that happen before I crack open the cover. The smell, the hunt, the feel... but even I have a nook now. Which I love very much. But I have a feeling the days of books might be numbered.
- Letters. I don't particularly like talking on the phone. Texting and emailing were a godsend to someone like me. But letters are a lost art. Who doesn't love getting a note in the mailbox for no reason? Plus, there is so much fun stationary out there!
- Sundays. I'm just as guilty as the next person for going shopping on a Sunday. It's a great convenience that everything is opened on Sundays (except Chick-fila). Kudos to Chick-fila though. Sundays should be a day with your family. My favorite Sunday ritual is church in the morning, breakfast after. And while we're at it, let's bring back our "Sunday best".
- Sports. Now if you've read a few of my previous entries, you can probably guess I am a sports fanatic. How lucky are those people that get to play a game for a living (and make millions) while I worry about over-drafting my account ad the grocery store. Is it me, or are players disenfranchised about playing these games? Play with heart! There's a great series my dad has on DVD called "When It Was a Game". Can you imagine A-Rod having to wait tables in the off season to make ends-meet?