
Monday, January 31, 2011

Make-A-List Monday: Things of Old

I'm a child of technology.  I love my laptop, the Internet, cell phones, and all the modern conveniences we have today.  But for all these advances, I find myself missing things from days gone by.  So with that in mind, I present my make-a-list Monday:
Things of Old

  1.  Books.  I love reading.  Not just for the stories, but for all the things that happen before I crack open the cover.  The smell, the hunt, the feel... but even I have a nook now.  Which I love very much.  But I have a feeling the days of books might be numbered.
  2. Letters.  I don't particularly like talking on the phone.  Texting and emailing were a godsend to someone like me.  But letters are a lost art.  Who doesn't love getting a note in the mailbox for no reason?  Plus, there is so much fun stationary out there!
  3. Sundays.  I'm just as guilty as the next person for going shopping on a Sunday.  It's a great convenience that everything is opened on Sundays (except Chick-fila).  Kudos to Chick-fila though.  Sundays should be a day with your family.  My favorite Sunday ritual is church in the morning, breakfast after.  And while we're at it, let's bring back our "Sunday best".
  4. Sports.  Now if you've read a few of my previous entries, you can probably guess I am a sports fanatic.  How lucky are those people that get to play a game for a living (and make millions) while I worry about over-drafting my account ad the grocery store.  Is it me, or are players disenfranchised about playing these games?  Play with heart!  There's a great series my dad has on DVD called "When It Was a Game".  Can you imagine A-Rod having to wait tables in the off season to make ends-meet?

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